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Mcqs: computer mcqs online test

 90. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas

a. Title bar

b. Menu bar

c. Formula bar

d. Standard toolbar

Correct Answer: c

91. To edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document

a. Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application

b. Edit the hyperlink

c. Edit the data in a excel source application

d. Use the word menu bar and toolbars

Correct Answer: a

92. To create a formula, you can use:

a. Values but not cell references

b. C ell references but not values

c. Values or cell references although not both at the same time

d. Value and cell references

Correct Answer: d

93. Status indicators are located on the

a. Vertical scroll bar

b. Horizontal scroll bar

c. Formula bar

d. Standard toolbar

Correct Answer: c

94. An excel workbook is a collection of

a. Workbooks 

b. Worksheets

c. Charts

d. Worksheets and charts

Correct Answer: d

95. Excel files have a default extension of

a. Xls

b. Xlw

c. Wk1

d. 123

Correct Answer: a

96. Except for the …… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word

“TRUE” or “FALSE” as a result

a. IF

b. AND

c. OR

d. NOT

Correct Answer: a

97. Macros are “run” or executed from the ….. menu.

a. Insert

b. Frmat

c. Tools

d. Data

Correct Answer: c

98. You can open the consolidate dialog box byt choosing Consolidate from the …..


a. Insert

b. Format

c. Tools

d. Data

Correct Answer: d

99. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

a. Lines and spaces

b. Layers and planes

c. Rows and columns

d. Height and width

Correct Answer: c

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